Monday, November 2, 2009

I am Back Home

Last saturday I was very excited because I'm going home to see my loved ones. So for two days, I was very busy packing my clothes, stuff toys, shoes, bags and other gifts for my family as presents for them. I was so excited I tend to forget how long my flight was. I was leaving Saudi Arabia at midnight last night and flew through Kuwait Hongkong and arrive in Manila at 2 pm today. I am very lucky to have my friend Inang who helped me packed my things because I'm sure I will forget something. It's been a while that I haven't seen my family for three years that I was away to work in Saudi Arabia. I am sure there's going to be a tear in my eyes when I arrive in Davao because my dear mom and my ate Nene will meet me at the airport. I am glad I'm back home now.


Janie said...

I'm sure your reunion will be wonderful. have run.

Buy flowers said...

yeah really nice ............

valentine's Day  flowers said...

very nice post i like this post ...