Every year we celebrate easter in remembrance of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, a celebration of victory over death, hell and the grave. It's a time for all christians to rejoice, a time to honor everything God's plan of salvation provides through the crucifixion and resurrction of Jesus.
By God's design, the resurrection of Jesus provides us with the blessing of reconciliation to the One who created us. The One who longs to fellowship with us. The One for whom we will always yearn. So easter is a time to celebrate the spirit of reconciliation. And it involves our own personal experiences, pride and selfishness and receiving the resurrection life of Jesus in our heart.
This is what the death and resurrection of Jesus means for us. Although we may wander away from The safety of our loving FATHER'S arms, he longs and waits for us to return to be reconciled to him so he can celebrate our death and resurrection to new life in Christ with us.
So this year as we plan to clbrate ur easter season,cnsider celebrating a rlationshp wid christ,perhaps ur own or that of a loved one.Gods arm s not shortened that he cnnot reach out and meet ur evry need,nor his ear deafened 2 d cry of ur hart.
Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new. God has done it all! He sent Christ to make peace between himself and us, and he has given us the work of making peace between himself and others.(2 corinthians 5:17_19)